Bigs Grants total nearly $200,000 in 2021
Published: April 8, 2022 by Stephanie Fox, Program Officer – Grants & Scholarships
In 2021, the JCCF Grants Committee brought back the Bigs Grant Cycle. The Bigs Cycle was open to organizations with a program request of between $20,000 and $30,000.
The committee reviewed 19 applications from organizations serving Johnson County and selected seven of the applicants to receive funding for the cycle.
The following organizations were awarded funding:
- Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc.
- Johnson County Public Library Foundation
- Johnson County Senior Services
- Reach for Youth, Inc.
- Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Upstream Prevention, Inc.
- YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
The total amount of awards to serve and support Johnson County residents during this cycle was $174,927.50.
Educational Partnerships 2021
The grants committee offered the local education foundations for the public schools the opportunity to request funding from JCCF through our Educational Partnerships program for the seventh year. Five of the six public school corporations chose to pursue application process, and those five were awarded $7,000 to put towards their work in each of their school corporations.
Another $30,000 Anniversary Surprise Grant!
After awarding several surprise grants at the Celebration of Giving annual meeting last summer*, JCCF Board and staff chose to award one more surprise grant during the 30th Anniversary Throwback Prom Night in November. Girls Inc. of Johnson County was surprised with a $30,000 no-strings-attached grant. The Board voted prior to the event, so the Girls Inc.’s CEO, Sonya Ware-Meguiar, staff and board members were invited to attend the event and receive the award.
* Gateway Services/Access Johnson County, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Johnson County and Great Harvest Food Pantry were each presented $30,000 grants made possible by the JCCF Board of Directors and Lilly Endowment Inc. at the Celebration of Giving in June.